Touchdown Brewery Tours

This is the Touchdown Brewery Tour Blog. As I visit breweries, I will post comments and photos detailing my experience. I lean towards Hoppy beers, but love all beer (American Premium Lagers are not beer) and will try to give actual comments rather then just a numeric scale. An ideal brewery is one where I feel comforatble in a jersey and jeans, from this sweet spot all establishments will be reviewed. I hope you enjoy - Jeff

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Nimbus Brewing

Dirty guera blonde aleHoney has a interesting charcter, most likely due to the mesquite. Great beer on a 100+ az day, little else.

Pale ale nice hoppy body, great hop charcter through out beer. Very pale. Cascade and columbus hops. Easy to drink several of these.

Red ale. Great mouth feel. Lots of malty wonderfulness going on in this beer.hops is present, but not dominant. finishes clean.

Nut brown ale, roasted malts great body dark brunette color, what more can you ask for? czech sazz finishes it off, but the hop is a great ballencer for all the flavors contributed by malt.
Oatmeal stout - co2; coffee and toffey flavors permiate from this stout. Finishes softly, the oatmeal does the trick in mellowing the potential harshness of the roast mats.

Oatmeal stout nitro. While i typlically feel a nitro stout is superior to its co2 counterpart. This one looses some of its ballance in the nitro and the hops almost disappear, the beer is much more chocholatey then its twin brother.

Monkey shine. English strong ale. The gorilla of the nimbus beers. The huge alchol is masked by excellent ballance. I am sure the moothness of this beer makes it one that sneaks up on you. Very malty, hops present but takes a back seat to complex fruit flavors like rasin and prune.

IPA. Perfect copper color. Great citrusy flavors, very crisp. No hop shiver, a good beer but it is almost just a dark version of the pale ale. Caramel malts are present and sweetness is a key contributor to the overall beer. Simply needs more hops to be ipa, both in body and aroma.

Smoked porter. This beer is faintly smoked, not like some of the liquid ash tray filtered beers I often see. The smoke enchances the malt profile, it does not dominate it. Lots of chocholate. Coats the tounge with liquid perfection.
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