Touchdown Brewery Tours

This is the Touchdown Brewery Tour Blog. As I visit breweries, I will post comments and photos detailing my experience. I lean towards Hoppy beers, but love all beer (American Premium Lagers are not beer) and will try to give actual comments rather then just a numeric scale. An ideal brewery is one where I feel comforatble in a jersey and jeans, from this sweet spot all establishments will be reviewed. I hope you enjoy - Jeff

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Wow 10 beers, I think I only paid for 8.
Prime Time Pale Ale - Hoppy, but not distinguishable in this line up. Don�t get me wrong, this is a fien beer and I could drink pints of it all night, it just does not reach the �amazing� status.
Atlas Amber - Balanced and well done, in the first brewery that I have visited without a training wheel beer, this is the closest to the pin.
Coal Creek Porter, This beer is thin for style. This is surprising for a great brewery with so many beers that coat the mouth in flavor. Definite roast character, but thin throughout.

Seattle - Vancouver Oct 2006


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